Photos, videos or instructions on sweetyoga.co.uk and web sites linked to are for informational and educational purposes only, please do not attempt to undertake any postures that you are not ready or physically able to perform without guidance by a qualified teacher. Please contact a qualified teacher if you have any doubt about the suitability of a yoga posture. Please consult your general practitioner before practicing yoga. Any attempt to replicate postures or descriptions from this website are done at your own risk, sweetyoga.co.uk does not accept responsibility for any injury or harm sustained as a result of replicating any images, descriptions or videos on this website.

Anyone taking part in a Sweetyoga class, workshop or retreat will be asked to read and sign a Waiver Agreement. You will be encouraged to participate with the knowledge that you progress at your own pace and take full responsibility for your body. By signing you are verifying to be physically and mentally fit to participate. If you suspect pregnancy, or you are post-natal or recovering from surgery please have your doctor’s approval to take part.